Three Things I Have Been Successful With (Academic Boot Camp Lesson 26)

I am going to tell you about three things I have been successful with in my life.

  1.  Learning How To Play The Violin

About four years ago, I started taking classical violin lessons.  I had a really good teacher, and did pretty good.  About a year ago, I auditioned for a scholarship, and won first place.  Now I play the violin in a adult orchestra.

2. Cooking

My Mama had me in the kitchen with her when I was just a baby and she taught me how to cook and bake.  It is one of my top five favorite things to do.

3. Buying My Own Asset (money maker)

I have my own candy machine that I bought with money I had earned. I have peanut M&M’s, Skittles, and gumballs in it.  Right now it is at a printing shop, but I need to move it to somewhere that has more people coming in and waiting around for their turn for something.

Thanks for reading my essay!



16 thoughts on “Three Things I Have Been Successful With (Academic Boot Camp Lesson 26)

      1. your teacher is amazing!! even my mom thought they were good. anyway, here are my answers to your questions: my candy machine is red and silver, I play classical and am working on star war music.

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  1. I am so proud of you, Odessa. You have been very successful at many things. I remember seeing you in the kitchen when you could barely stand up! Your Mama has taught you a lot about cooking and you are a great cook! And I could listen to you play violin all day long! I didn’t know you had a candy machine. How cool is that! How much money do you get from it every month? Have you found a new place to put it yet?


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